Sunday, July 1, 2012

Fangirling for life

The fangirling business. How should I start it. I've been fangirling for about more than 10 years. It is something that I have to do. Its part of my life. Without fangirling, my life is probably missing few colors.

I have real life. Yes, of course I do. I'm also aware about the non-existence of real life on other fangirls. But being fangirl doesn't mean that I need to sacrifice my life. For this blog, I want to write my non stop spazzing on idols and also my guide on fangirling.

Kpop is not only about the music. Its about the image and some youth ideology. It is also an alternative to local music and also American pop music. It is also about asian pride. Asian version of cool music and image.

There is no wrong or right. But there are boundaries, rules and some moral ground that one need to understand. Fangirling is our right. So, we need to do our best to keep that right. Appreciate the right and protect it.

Fangirl have so many way on discovering their idols, for me its from tv. I watch tv when I have no more books to read. When I've finish all my homework. I just happen to be on the right channel, right time and the right music. There, I got hooked on my idol. Search for them in the internet. But mind you, about 10 years ago, internet is slow and virus is just everywhere. Thank god for the technology that never stop evolving, today, I can just access my idol on my smartphone. I don't need to hear the dial tone whenever I need to access the internet.

Fangirl in this era is very lucky to have fast internet connection and varieties of good and cheap computer. Google your idol name and there goes millions of search result. Everything is there to be enjoyed.

I'm running out of words and idea. I should just stop here for now.

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