Sunday, April 7, 2013

How a poor butthurt fan defend herself

I'm doing something that I barely do nowadays. I actually go to kpopsecret tumblr. The site is where all the the bullshits happen or posted. But it is fun when you have nothing to do. So, I was scrolling and scrolling, until I found this particular post.

Its an anonymous post about a fan whom probably being called out for not buying her oppa's album. Not being able to afford to buy an album is a total bullshit, dearest butthurt fangirl. From this on, my English on this post probably start to failing. But, whatever.

Now, dear "poor" fangirl, I don't see any reason  why you can't afford to buy an original copy of  oppa's album. You can get a JOB. Instead of spending time all day long tweeting, reblogging or killing your brain cells on AllKpoops. No excuses.The fact that this fangirl even post her rant on tumblr, its mean that she own a computer and actually able to afford internet connection. Who are you kidding with? You have the luxury of computer and internet, yet you claim to be not able to afford oppa's album.

I think I've tired with the argument of real fan and fake fan. Somehow, fans need to realize, producing an album cost a lot. Technical aspect of producing pop music probably send you back to your "cave". I have no real experience, but trying to cut a part of song for my phone ringtone had give me some idea. Maybe I'm just technologically challenged, but how many of you can actually use Adobe Audition to its full capabilities? Probably none. So stop whining.

I want to rub more salt to this "poor" fangirl "wound. What if your oppa self-composed the songs on the album? Aren't you cheating your oppa off from his effort? Don't you love your oppa?

Stop being offended when being called out as a fake/bad fan. Your ripping off oppa from his efforts he put on the album. If you are not buying oppa's original album, you are surely a bad and fake fan.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Oppa Love Me, Oppa Love Me Not

Oppa don't love you. But oppa love your money (a lot).

Oppa would never look at you. But oppa is proud to see the biggest banner of his name.

Oppa won't hear you. But he would love to hear you singing and chanting along to his song.

Oppa won't talk to you. But he would ask you to keep on supporting him.

Does oppa care about you? Nah, he care about how his album is doing on the chart.

What does oppa want? Oppa want you to love him, attend his show, listen to his album, buy his album and send him some gifts. 

Remember, oppa is human and human is SELFISH.

Friday, April 5, 2013

To Write or Not To Write

This blog had been neglected for few months. I started this blog just to vent out my overflowing thoughts and opinions about oppa kpop. But things happen, like, I'm just too lazy to type anything. Writing is out of question since I can't even read my own handwriting. I've even tried the speech to text application, and somehow, my accent is too thick that every word I said being interpreted the wrong way.

For this blog, I want it to be continued. I just love the concept. The fact that I'm joining the crowd of the new generation trend on becoming K-Popper. (God, that sound like somekind of junkie, whatever). So, to keep this blog going on, I'm probably gonna add more writer(s), whom are K-Pop fan(s), but not fanatic as I am. One is not fanatic until he/she created a blog dedicated to idol and only idol or becoming staff/admin/translator/stalker of idol fansite. I hope real life gonna give me some room for me to write about this pop culture from the East.

To give myself some encouragement, I even created new header for this blog. For the love of oppa. Bleh. Love them and hate them. Here some, uh, graphic love for oppa.

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Dedicated to Oppa by Dedicated Fangirl is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.