Saturday, April 6, 2013

Oppa Love Me, Oppa Love Me Not

Oppa don't love you. But oppa love your money (a lot).

Oppa would never look at you. But oppa is proud to see the biggest banner of his name.

Oppa won't hear you. But he would love to hear you singing and chanting along to his song.

Oppa won't talk to you. But he would ask you to keep on supporting him.

Does oppa care about you? Nah, he care about how his album is doing on the chart.

What does oppa want? Oppa want you to love him, attend his show, listen to his album, buy his album and send him some gifts. 

Remember, oppa is human and human is SELFISH.

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Dedicated to Oppa by Dedicated Fangirl is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.